Tuesday, January 5, 2010

where is home?

so i'm sitting here at the kitchen table thinking about my life here in indiana and how it about 12 hours i'll be leaving it yet again for who knows how long. my brother is sitting at the table with me playing dj. the song that's on the playlist now is coldplay's "fix you." the words "lights will guide you home and ignite your bones and i will try to fix you" pierce my heart. i’ve listened to this song i don’t even know how many times and every time i always have this picture playing in my head of my farm, my family, my animals, but not this time. i have a new picture, a picture the Kingdom of God and it brings to my eyes just how broken i am. i remember back in the fall my preacher in Indiana was talking about our life on Earth, he put it this way “we live in tents because our real home is in heaven with the Father!” i feel that i get so caught up in my life in this world…nursing school, relationships, questions about the future, that i lose site of my purpose on this earth, to give up my broken life and chase after the Lord’s Kingdom!

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