Friday, January 29, 2010

go in peace

i'm at the poplar sitting on the kitchen counter just thinking about how the kitchen is my favorite part of a house. i've shared so many good memories, life lessons in little kitchens. today i've just been baking, but i have been mediating on the things that has placed on my heart lately... obedience to God, finding rest in Him alone, desiring to really know God, a desire to share the Gospel with my classmates, wanting to know lulu ( a middle aged woman who pushes a grocery cart down poplar at the same time everyday). my list goes on and on. i feel that more things are added to the list daily. things that i want to happen in my life, spiritual things and even relationships. i know that i wrote about trusting in God a couple of weeks ago, but i've still struggling with it. i want to have the peace of God and rest in that! like that verse in philippians:

"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

that sounds easy enough, but how do we get this "peace." my only answer is through God's word. soaking in scripture, having fellowship and community with other believer's. i love it when it says "which surpasses all comprehension." that God's peace is beyond our understanding! we just have to trust in Him, that He is working the things out in our live's for the good. today i was listening to a sermon from my preacher back home and it was on suffering. he was talking about how we are going to suffer. that Christ suffered for us on the cross, so what makes us think that we aren't going to suffer? that is so true. i feel that sometimes i think that my life shouldn't be this hard. i feel so selfish in thinking like that when my struggles and suffering don't amount to those in haiti or somewhere on the other side of the world. i don't have to worry about suffering in believing the Gospel, going to church like people in china. but to me my suffering is real, it's important....not just because it is happening to me, but because is is shaping my faith. every broken relationship, every person, place, test, day, is somehow shaping, sanctifying me! i love this quote by c.s. lewis "God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, but shouts in our pains: it is His megaphone to rouse a deaf world." God is using the pain that has wounded my heart to draw my closer to him! if we never had pain, stress, suffering we would fail to live for Chris because everything would be perfect. well i could go on but the stress of school is weighing my down.

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