Wednesday, May 4, 2011

we we we so exciting....seriously? why?

so it's 4:30 in the morning and i'm wide awake. i have no earthly clue as to why? maybe it's because i keep having nightmares about that stupid rebecca black song "friday," it's on repeat in my head. i know, sooo unfortunate right?

last night my roommate and i got mexican with our friend, then went to watch the grizzlies game. ahh it was such a heartbreaker! well i had this revelation ...i was driving and we were blaring mumford & sons "awake my soul" (yep, still obsessed). we were clapping and singing at the top of our lungs like our life's depended on it! in this moment i realized just how thankful i was to be at this place in my life.

the place where i'm single, about to graduate, and have no earthly clue as to where my life is going come saturday . it's this place that causes my mind to wake up at 4 in the morning, just to mull things over. i think that times like these are good for a person, they make you realize you're not in control of ANYTHING. as much as we try to plan out our perfect life's, the Lord's plan always is there to trump it. i think that is a comforting thing to know, that the Lord of the universe has you in the exact place He wants you because that place where it's single, dating, married, working, being a mom is glorifying Him the most.

as for me, i'm thankful that...i can live with my best friends, make target runs because we're bored, rent chick-flicks from red box, cry in our driveway, go to chick-fil-a and order a kids meal with ice cream, go on walks to talk about life, and drive around blaring really good music.

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