Sunday, May 1, 2011

awake my soul

i've been in love with mumford & sons since last spring when my father, yes father, introduced them to me. i've been waiting to hear them in concert since that day and that day has finally come! they played last night at music fest and let me tell you, i'm now obsessed!

so music fest is a time in memphis when bands from ever genre play down by the river. it was my first time to experience music fest and probably will be my last. don't get me wrong. i love people and i love music, but when you are being drown by sweaty smelly drunk people you begin to see that the two don't really mix.

so there i was, sandwiched between high schoolers and old people trying to be young, gnats swarming over my head, then they start to play! i have no words to describe the talent of these young men. as they played i forgot i was standing in mud, surrounded by annoying people. they are just so amazing. as i was listening to the band i just couldn't help but think how a person can heard such talent and still fail to believe in God? i just don't think that you can hear such beauty and think that our race just happened by chance? it just blows my mind.

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