Tuesday, April 5, 2011

someone like you

i was driving home yesterday from indiana. 8 hours, alone, in a car....too long. i was listening to adele and this song called "someone like you" was playing. i'm so in love with it. i feel that she took all the pain, sorrow, bitterness, hurt that has been growing in my heart over this past year and put it into this song. it's so amazing how she can take such a deep, painful story and make it sound so beautiful.... i feel that i've come to a point in my life where i just don't feel the pain anymore. i don't know if that makes sense. i don't want to say too much because who knows who actually reads this blog. probably some creeper in idaho for all i know. but anyway, this song has been in my head since yesterday and today i was faced with the character of this story. i saw him in the corner of my eye and it took everything in me to not run away. i wanted to run because i didn't want to have to act like i had myself all together. i've spend the last who knows how long praying that God would piece me back together. and i understand that the Lord only gives us as much as we can handle, but i don't understand what He's trying to tell me through these random encounters? anyway, i couldn't run because he called out my name. i turned and walked toward him. i feel that the only thing that held me together in that moment, that encounter, was the Holy Spirit. i don't remember what was said, but i remember that i couldn't look him in the eyes. i didn't want to because i knew that it would break me. i better stop here, too much has been said.

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