Monday, July 5, 2010

back home again in indiana!!

I love that song from the previous post ha! I thought that it would be appropriate seeing that I'm heading back to home sweet home in a couple days. I feel that sometimes I get carried away with my dramatic life that I take for granted where my roots stem from.....

Like when most kids where spending their summers swimming and playing with their friends, I was helping my dad. Just thinking about those countless summers that I spend working on our farm brings back the sweet fragrance of new mown hay, the feeling of the hot sun beaming down on me, and the words of my mom saying "I wish I could just bottle up the aroma of freshly cut alfalfa..." Every summer she would say the same thing, but it never seems to get old. Or watching the cows reactions when they see my dad carrying fresh hay bales, it's like Christmas Day for them. I remember as a kid would sit in the feed bin and pass out flakes of hay to the cows and imagine that I was handed out pieces of cake ha. Then I would just hang out with them and talk to them while them ate. I guess that's a little odd, but I feel that I'm somewhat normal now or at least I like to think so...

Oh good ole farm life. It's so weird that I've been away from the farm for a year and a half! I feel so lazy sometimes, like now I have the day off and I feel that I should be doing something. I know that I'll probably be singing a different tune come Thursday when my dad puts me back to work in the field. I feel that country life is so embedded in my heart now that my love for it will never die. Ha so cheesy! I guess the point that I'm trying to make is that I miss that little piece of heaven that's down a little gravel road in the middle of the Hoosier State.

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