Saturday, April 23, 2011

the farmer's daughter

ok so i mean it's pretty obvious that i'm the farmer's daughter, hopefully. well i've been thinking (which probably is never a good thing) about my life on the farm. i'd be lying if i didn't say i missed it. now i'm fixin to finish college with plans of living in the city. someone told me last night that they couldn't believe that i was staying in the city because i seem to love the country so much. i know sometimes i think it's pretty crazy myself and i feel that when my parents come down here in a couple weeks they are going to pack up my life and take me home!

back to my roots.

back to the place where you can walk outside naked and not a soul would care (not that i'd know).

the place where the summer time is full of neighbors coming to find answers.

where you're greeted with the smell of new mown hay and the reaction of the cows when they know it's hay seasons. they freak out like kids in a candy shop.

where people think that all farmers love cats therefore drop off their unwanteds off at our door and you can't help but love them. especially when they wait at the end of the driveway for you to come home.

where as a kid everyday is an adventure and you can ride your horse into the sunset and pretend that you are pocahontas saving the world.

where cows aren't just creatures but friends.

where everyday is a struggle and you question why am i doing this? when did i every think it was a good idea to work the land and dedicate my whole life to it? it definitely wasn't for the money.

where every farmer has a basketball goal because all their kids dream of breaking free of small town america life.

where the night sky looks all a birthday cake with a 1000 candles.

the place you can wear boots and not get looked at.

you can be a girl and sweat and spit. and sure your mother is going to yell at you but sometimes a girl can't help it.

where you drive tractors for hours, plowing fields to create new life as you mediate on the brokenness of your own.

where girls are raised driving around in the pick-up truck with their dads, hoping that he'll stop at the gas station and buy you a tasty treat when knowing that mom is making dinner.

where your summers are made up of farmer tanners and crazy nights with people that you've known your whole life.

where sundays are filled with church music, family, and home cookin.

i catch myself listening to country music these days. i honestly hate the stuff, but for some odd reason it draws me in. probably because it brings me back to that time in life when i'd walk out into our pasture and dream of breaking free of that life, that town. i wanted nothing more than to run and never look back, find myself a cowboy and live on a ranch in texas. well i tried to run, but the world brought me back. then i left it again and now i'm here. the armpit of america. part of me wants to go back, but it's not time. i'm not done running yet.

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