Saturday, June 5, 2010

bye bye fb

So as of yesterday I've deactivated my facebook account.....for good! I just came to the conclusion that I was a slave to it. That my friendships were turning into how much we interacted via wall post and status updates. I have always had this urge to stop using facebook, but I always was like "but it's a good way to keep in touch with people." Which I guess is kind of true, but then the more I think about it, the more I realize that I really wasn't keeping in touch with people, I was stalking them! All I had to do was login my account and I could find out what was going on in anyones life without any human interaction. I just feel that this way of going about a friendship is so materialized. I mean think about it. When someone posts a picture of you that you think is unflattering what do you do???? umm de-tag, it's like you can erase the parts of your life that you don't like. Then we build up our profile using the cutest picture we can find, even if it was taken 2 years ago when you looked totally different. I mean who's going to know anyway right? Then you have the guy factor.... Whether it's an ex or some guy that you're crushing on, you want to find out as much as you can about them so of coarse you stalk their profile. You make connections that you can use to your advantage the next time you see them. Being all like "Yeah I love Coldplay..." when truly you don't have a clue of who the lead singer is. That's just one of the parts of the guy factor, the other one is to see how many girls he has writing on his wall. You read way into the wall posts and you let bitterness grow inside your heart because of some silly sentence that everyone and their brother has access to. Man I could just go on and on, but I'm pretty such that I"ve already stepped on a few peoples feet right now.

Basically I've just felt so convicted to pursue real meaningful relationships. I mean isn't that what Jesus did? He pursued people, broken messed up people like me. He didn't care if they had their life together because He was doing it out of love. He didn't do it to see how my friends we could show the world that he had, but out of His unfailing love. I don't know, I'm off my soapbox for now ha.

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