Sunday, August 30, 2009


Day 4: It was Sunday, so we got up and had our coffee then got ready for church. Anne, Grant, and the kids left earlier to go to Sunday School and we drove separately. We were running a little late and had no idea how to get to the church. Luckily, we had TomTom. I tried to type in First Presbyterian Church and nothing remotely close came up. TomTom did however locate a Jewish Synagogue, some Muslim place, and an Islamic temple, so I came to the conclusion that TomTom is not a reformed GPS. Kiersten called David, who told us the directions off hand. Once we got to church, the service had already started. So we had to stand in the back of the church til the ushers could find us a seat. This of course was located in the front row. I’ve never in my life sat in the front row. My last name starts with a W so I was always placed in the back. But, I guess you have to grow up some time. The service was wonderful and after it was over we found David and went to lunch we him and his friend Nathan. We ended up going to a pizza joint that’s actually called the Pizza Joint. The food was good as was the conversion. We went home and took naps and yeah that was about it. I feel that if I had to decide what we were like on this trip it would be babies. I know you’re probably wondering how were you like babies? Well, we didn’t really do much but eat, sleep, and cry. Ok, maybe not the crying part. Let’s replace that with laughing. But, I’m not complaining. I loved every minute of this trip and it was very relaxing. Later that day, Josh wanted us to go swimming in the river, but we didn’t respond in time so we told him that we should do that again another night.

Day 5: Kiersten and I went and explored downtown Augusta in search for a new journal. We didn’t have any luck, but we did stumble upon a used bookstore that has exciting. It made us think of our dear friend Amanda because it had her name written all over it. We got back and Anne asked me if I wanted to shadow Grant around his clinic (he’s a doctor) in the afternoon. I was like “ummm YES!” I felt like a little school girl getting ready to go on her first date. I dressed up in Grant’s old scrub pants and a white shirt and headed to the clinic. When I got there, only a couple of people were waiting in the waiting room. I had to sit and wait a few minutes before they were ready for me in the back. Finally, one of the nurses came and got me. I followed Grant around to see the various patients’ rooms. I listened and I felt somewhat with it because I understood the terms that Dr. Grant used, such as diseases and medications that the patients were taking. After he was done with his patient’s assessment, I got to listen to their heart and lungs. Shadowing Dr. Grant took me back to my days at the Med. The Med was where I had my first semester of Clinicals. I just remember that the first patient I saw was a young woman who had full blown AIDS and my job as a nursing student was to bathe her. It was so humbling to bathe a woman that was not that much older than me. It just broke my heart and that’s when I knew without a doubt in my mind that nursing was my calling was. I loved every minute of following Grant, just seeing how broken people are physically and spiritually. It just made me want to be done with school even more. After Dr. Grant saw his last patient I headed back to the house. When I got home I filled Anne in with my stories from the clinic. She told me that they’ll need nurses once they get the Widow’s Home or the new clinic, open. I told her that I would seriously love to work there! After dinner Kiersten noticed that she had a missed a call from David. She called him back and invited him over to hang out. So David, Kiersten, and I talked about who knows what for about an hour. Since David’s jeep’s engine exploded on the interstate the other day, he now didn’t have a car. So, that meant that we had to drive him back to his place. He lives in downtown Augusta in this apartment/townhouse thing. It was so pretty! I guess I shouldn’t use that word to describe a guy’s apartment, but it was in this old building and the inside had a lot of character. I just love places with character. So, we sat and talked til the clock on the wall chimed 11 and then we headed back home again.

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