Saturday, August 29, 2009

day 2/3

Day 2:

We woke up early and enjoyed a nice cup of Joe before with headed off to run the trails of the Savannah River, I know doesn’t that sound so hardcore? Anne told us about this place called ,Water Works, it was only about 10 minutes from the house. It was a dam that was on the Savannah River that had trails on the river bank. So, we found our way to Water Works and were blown away at how beautiful it was. We walked down to the dam and that’s when Kiersten and I were like...ummm can we just forget Memphis and move to Augusta??? So, we started walking the trail and then ran. We ended up running 2 miles and walked 2. I feel that we could have run more if it were evening. For some reason our muscles just don’t like moving fast in the morning. I guess I don’t blame them. After we got back from our run, I hung out with Anne and baby Mary Piper, as Kiersten caught lunch with a friend. Nothing else really exciting happened on day two so let’s move on to day 3.

We hung out all day, which was nice because our summers have been so fast paced that it was kinda good to just sit and do nothing. Oh, but then Kiersten got a phone call from a random number!! Who could it be?? None other than the Villa Rica Police Station! We had no idea how in the world they got Kiersten’s phone number, but they called to inform her that the prodical wallet had returned! Kiersten was in shock, she couldn’t believe that her wallet was found. This whole time was had thought that some hitchhiker had run away with Kiersten’s idenity. Never in a million years did we think that someone would turn it in. We were so thankful that the wallet was found, but we still had a problem. We were 3 hours away from it! So this was the moment of truth, where were we going to go for the remainder of the trip? We found out that Stuart, Florida was about 9 hours from Augusta and that means that Kiersten would have to drive that far without her license. So, we decided to stay in Augusta a couple of extra days, then go and get the wallet, and hit the Scarborough Farm on our way back.

That night Anne and Grant had people over and we played speed uno. This is a very fun game, however; it’s not fun the first time you play, especially if you are competitive like me. I ended up losing by 700 points. Yeah, I know that is crazy, but it was a good time.

Day 4: It was Sunday, so we got up and had our coffee then got ready for church. Anne, Grant, and the kids left earlier to go to Sunday School and we drove separately. We were running a little late and had no idea how to get to the church. Luckily, we had TomTom. I tried to type in First Presbyterian Church and nothing remotely close came up. TomTom did however locate a Jewish Synagogue, some Muslim place, and an Islamic temple, so I came to the conclusion that TomTom is not a reformed GPS. Kiersten called David, who told us the directions off hand. Once we got to church, the service had already started. So we had to stand in the back of the church til the ushers could find us a seat. This of course was located in the front row. I’ve never in my life sat in the front row. My last name starts with a W so I was always placed in the back. But, I guess you have to grow up some time. The service was wonderful and after it was over we found David and went to lunch we him and his friend Nathan. We ended up going to a pizza joint that’s actually called the Pizza Joint. The food was good as was the conversion. We went home and took naps and yeah that was about it. I feel that if I had to decide what we were like on this trip it would be babies. I know you’re probably wondering how were you like babies? Well, we didn’t really do much but eat, sleep, and cry. Ok, maybe not the crying part. Let’s replace that with laughing. But, I’m not complaining. I loved every minute of this trip and it was very relaxing. Later that day, Josh wanted us to go swimming in the river, but we didn’t respond in time so we told him that we should do that again another night.

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