Sunday, November 28, 2010

e elliot

so i just stumbled upon a wise passage from elizabeth elliot. enjoy!!

".....the Lord showed me the indispensable lesson of Deuteronomy 8, a review of Israel's wilderness experience. while they craved for the food they had had in Egypt, God gave them manna. manna was supernatural food, miraculously provided, and it was all they needed. but even a miracle did not stop the wanting of leeks, onions, garlic, watermelons, and fish. if he had given them what they naturally craved, they would never have learned to eat manna, they would never have acquired a taste for the the bread which came down from heaven. God made them hungry on purpose-in order to humble and test them, to discover what was far more important than leeks and onions: that man does not live by those things alone, but by the Word of the Lord. "The Lord your God was disciplining you as a father disciplines his son."

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