Sunday, November 28, 2010

e elliot

so i just stumbled upon a wise passage from elizabeth elliot. enjoy!!

".....the Lord showed me the indispensable lesson of Deuteronomy 8, a review of Israel's wilderness experience. while they craved for the food they had had in Egypt, God gave them manna. manna was supernatural food, miraculously provided, and it was all they needed. but even a miracle did not stop the wanting of leeks, onions, garlic, watermelons, and fish. if he had given them what they naturally craved, they would never have learned to eat manna, they would never have acquired a taste for the the bread which came down from heaven. God made them hungry on purpose-in order to humble and test them, to discover what was far more important than leeks and onions: that man does not live by those things alone, but by the Word of the Lord. "The Lord your God was disciplining you as a father disciplines his son."

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

i want some more...

my day was just made...i don't have to pre-lab today!! meaning that i may actually get some sleep. so i cannot believe that it's the dead of november! i'm soo thankful because i don't think that i can handle this nursing school thing much longer. it really takes a toll of you.

i think it's funny how stupid we can be sometimes. we try and be our own god and we totally fail. i feel that lately i've been blinded by my own wants and desires that i fail to see God. i know in my head that He works everything out for good and that the place He has me is where He wants me. awhile ago a preacher was telling a story about his child. that him and his wife have always been there for their daughter who's a toddler. one morning she wanted yogurt, therefore he filled up her cup with the amount that he knew she could handle. she started freaking out! saying that she wanted more, screaming at her father. he just sat there and was like "i know you, i've known you from birth, and i know just how much yogurt can handle!" ahh that's such a perfect picture of the gospel!! we are rebels, thinking that we know more than our Father. when the truth is that He knows you. He knows just how much you can handle. And He wills things to happen in our life's for the purpose of drawing us closer to Him. Oh i just wish that it was that easy to just be like i got it! oh life...

"for it is GOd who works in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure." phil 2:13

"for whenever our hearts condemn us, GOd is greater than our heart, and He knows EVERYTHING." 1 john 3:20

Monday, November 15, 2010