Sunday, August 15, 2010

time will tell

my last summer is fading just about as fast as my summer tan. i still cannot believe that i have one more year of school left! i know that i should've been saying those words two years ago, but life never does seem to work out the way that you want it too. i mean if it did, i'd be living on some cattle ranch in texas, married to my jimmy stewart and have a horse named muley. ha i guess i'm glad things didn't work out that way because i just recently spend 10 hours in the state an wasn't too impressed. i'd say colorado is looking pretty good these days though... oh that's the question that people love to ask me: what are you going to do after you graduate?????

good question. well i since the one of the things that i'm naturally good at is being a nomad, i'd say somewhere other then here! ha honestly i haven't got a clue. i know that i love mountains, farmland, lakes, and i secretly want to be a kayak instructor on my days off. ha that would be awesome. i guess only time will tell.

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