Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Don't Go Chasing Crabs.

So I'm on vacation with the family that I nanny for. Well I guess it's not really a vacation seeing that I"m working, but still it's at the beach so that kind of makes it a vacation. Yesterday I was playing in the ocean with the girls and I had a super cheesy moment, ha so I'm going to share it.

Sumner was catching waves and I was too, the next thing that I know Sumner's screaming. A crab just pinched her! That so freaked me out. I mean I've only been to the ocean a total of 7 times in my lifetime, so I don't really do sea creatures. Sumner and Lizzie decide to go get their nets, so they could catch the crab! For the next hour we are walked down the ocean shore on the look out for a crab! After we searched high and low we ended up with nothing!

Later in the day Sumner was asking me about guys. And she goes "Katie, don't you want to find a guy?" I just was laughing because she's ten and way too in touch with everything. My response to her was the story of the crab. I explained that when you go out looking for a crab you end up finding nothing. But if you go on with your life and don't think about the crab, then it will end up finding you. Man I don't know where all this cheese is coming from, but I feel that it's one of my gifts in life. So the moral of the story is to not to go chase guys because it'll just leave you with a broken heart. You just have to learn to live your life without one and he'll find you.

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