Sunday, January 16, 2011

what's on my mind

1. gilmore girls!! pretty obsessed. now that i have a life, i still don't have a life. i really hate nursing school, it took all the fun out of me. anyway, i'm on the last season of gil and i'm totally a logan fan! i mean how can you not be in love with his rich boy charm.

2. snood=my favorite fashion trend

3. i hate running... i have 11.5 months to fall in love with running, but it's going to be a long road. i ran or i should say jogged 12 minutes today. yes i said minutes. i thought that i was going to die!

4. serendipity....don't you just hate when things happen and you want so hard to read GOd's mind and know what's going to happen.

Saturday, January 1, 2011


Happy New Years!!! I still can't believe that we are starting a new decade! I have to admit that I've pretty excited about this year/decade! For starters, I'm finally graduating college! The long and bumpy journey is about to end and I have no clue where I'm going to be. Only time will tell!

Ok so like any New Years, I guess I should list my resolutions...

1. Become a runner......ha yeah I totally HATE running, but I what to run a half-marathon so it's going to happen

2. Become a RN... hopefully

3. Pursue new friendships

4. Learn how to play the guitar

5. Touch my toes....I've never been able too.

6. Learn a new language

7. Stop chasing things

yeah that's all I have for now