Saturday, July 31, 2010

Dream Machine Part 1

I guess if I had to say that the theme of my summer is learning to trust. Living in a broken world, I get to caught up in my own insecurities and believe the lies that the devil whispers in my ear that I'm not good enough, I'm not going to make it out of this storm, I'm all alone....yeah I think you get the point. Well this prayer of trusting God with my life really came into play this past week as as the plans that I had weaved together in my head came ripping apart at the seam....

It all started with an adventure. The most random last minute thing that I think I've ever done was to buy a plane ticket to Portland, Maine to visit my mom and her side of the family. So within 24 hours of buying the plane ticket I was in New England. Craziness! I hadn't seen my mom's family in almost 4 years so it was refreshing to see the faces that were buried in the back of my mind. My grandparents and mother picked me up from the airport and we had a nice reunion. I've decided that airports are on my list of most romantic places. Just the whole idea of someone that cares about you enough to drop you off to watch you disappearance in a crowd of strangers. Then allowing you to get on a massive jet that is going to fly you to some foreign place just screams romance to me. I will continue this point in a little while. So anyway we drive back to New Hampshire, taking the scenic route (which is the only route) though the state of Maine and the Shire. We drove through towns that were founded in the 1700's! Which just blows my mind. We finally make it back to the lake house that we were staying at and I reunited with my mom's family. Which I found out that my mom's family is so different from my dad's that it's not even funny. I mean they are about the same size, but my mom's family is loud and Catholic. So I enjoying relaxing in by the lakeside, reading, and laughing at how ridiculous my mom's family is.

Now one thing about my mom that is quite humorous is that went she goes back to her roots she feels as if she's back to her youth. One time we for example, we went ice skating. My mom told me stories of how she would be picked before the boys when she was younger. So we're skating along and next thing i know she smacks her elbow on the ice so hard that it started to bruise right away. She goes "I don't remember the ice being that slippery??" Serious mom, serious??? Anyway this time she was as inspired to sail the 1970's Dream Machine, aka her sailboat that she grew up sailing. So on July 25 her and I decided to set sail the sky blue dream machine.... little did we know that it would be the last sail of Dream Machine's life.....

Monday, July 5, 2010

back home again in indiana!!

I love that song from the previous post ha! I thought that it would be appropriate seeing that I'm heading back to home sweet home in a couple days. I feel that sometimes I get carried away with my dramatic life that I take for granted where my roots stem from.....

Like when most kids where spending their summers swimming and playing with their friends, I was helping my dad. Just thinking about those countless summers that I spend working on our farm brings back the sweet fragrance of new mown hay, the feeling of the hot sun beaming down on me, and the words of my mom saying "I wish I could just bottle up the aroma of freshly cut alfalfa..." Every summer she would say the same thing, but it never seems to get old. Or watching the cows reactions when they see my dad carrying fresh hay bales, it's like Christmas Day for them. I remember as a kid would sit in the feed bin and pass out flakes of hay to the cows and imagine that I was handed out pieces of cake ha. Then I would just hang out with them and talk to them while them ate. I guess that's a little odd, but I feel that I'm somewhat normal now or at least I like to think so...

Oh good ole farm life. It's so weird that I've been away from the farm for a year and a half! I feel so lazy sometimes, like now I have the day off and I feel that I should be doing something. I know that I'll probably be singing a different tune come Thursday when my dad puts me back to work in the field. I feel that country life is so embedded in my heart now that my love for it will never die. Ha so cheesy! I guess the point that I'm trying to make is that I miss that little piece of heaven that's down a little gravel road in the middle of the Hoosier State.

Rodney Atkins - Farmer's Daughter (official music video)